Jones, William
William Jones Soundex Code J520
Chicago Tribune, Wednesday, January 22, 1868, page 0_4
The late William Jones, Esq.
A special meeting of the Board of Trustees and the Faculty of the University of Chicago was held yesterday (Tuesday, January 21, 1868) afternoon to pay a proper tribute of respect to the memory of the late William Jones. Dr. L.D. Boone, the chairman briefly stated the object of the meeting, and the following resolutions were unanimously passed:
WHEREAS: It has pleased Almighty God to remove from us by death our venerable and esteemed associate William Jones; therefore
RESOLVED: That, in his death, the city of Chicago has lost one of its most upright, public spirited, and useful citizens, who, though he passed the natural term of human life, dropping into his grave "like a shock of corn fully ripe," yet lived in deeds not in years only, and, to the last, was a blessing to society.
RESOLVED: That, as a member of the Board of Trustees of the University of Chicago, and as a Chairman of the Executive Committee, Mr. Jones was an able and efficient officer, a discreet sagacious adviser, and a zealous coadjutor, the loss of whose counsels his associates will long deeply deplore.
RESOLVED: That, as a member of the friends of the University of Chicago, who have contributed material means to its support, our late associate ranks among the foremost, having not only given magnificent sums of money, but having also stood by it in the crises of its history, when his friends were few and having been the first to put his name on the subscription now in process for placing the institution on a firm foundation.
RESOLVED: That, as a President of the Board of Education, and as a patron of our public schools, he was among the firmest and most enlightened friend of education in our city, and though dead, will long live in the influence he will exert upon the culture of coming generations.
RESOLVED: That we tender our sympathy to the family of the deceased, who, in his death, have lost an affectionate father, a judicious adviser, and a faithful friend.
RESOLVED: That the Board and the Faculty attend the funeral of their late associate and friend, as a token of their veneration for his memory.