William Cleaver
William Cleaver, brother of Charles Cleaver and son of Charles Cleaver was a man of strong personality and fine moral perceptions. Being strictly honest and upright in his dealings, he gave all men credit for the same qualities of character, whereby he gained many valuable friends. He was reared in the Church of England, but afterward changing his opinions, with his usual amount of will power and strength of character, he was not at all afraid to make known his skepticism.
William married his first wife Miss Mary Whitely, who at her death, left three children: son, William Henry, who resided in Terra Haute, Indiana; daughter, Jane Josephine, the widow of Thomas Swann, of Chicago; and son Francis Charles Cleaver, who was the superintendent of motive power of the Vandalia Railway at Princeton, Indiana. In his later years, William delighted his children with tales that he told about the perils and trials through which he had passed.
After the death of his first wife, Mary, William married Sophia Charlotte Zimmerman, the highly accomplished daughter of Charles Frederick Zimmermann. She was visiting America when Mr. Cleaver met her. Sophia Charlotte Cleaver passed away on January 1, 1896, and her aged husband, William, was not long in following her. He expired peacefully and willingly on November 13, 1986.
William and Sophia also had three children: Arthur, Charlotte, and Herbert.
William received his education in London, the city of his birth, which occurred in 1815.