Taylor, Reuben

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Reuben Taylor ran for Sewerage Commissioner as a Republican in April 1860.

In April 1861, Reuben Taylor was listed as a member of the Republican committee from Ward 6 to attend the City Convention.

Reuben Taylor owned a rock quarry on the east side of Western Avenue and the north side of Chicago Avenue. It was a little over 600 feet from Colby & Ellithorpe's quarry. Their quarry was opened about the same time that Randolph Street was Macadamized in 1858.

Colby was 1st Ward Alderman, William Colby.

Ellithorpe was former 6th Ward Alderman W.C. Ellithorpe.

In October 1861, Reuben Taylor was the Republican candidate for 6th Ward Supervisor.

In November 1864, Republican Reuben Taylor was the 9th Ward Supervisor for West Division of Chicago.

It should be noted that, at this time, Chicago was segmented by the [[wikipedia:Illinois General Assembly}Illinois State Legislature]] into three divisions--North, West, and South. This was later changed.

In March 1865, Reuben Taylor was listed as a member of the Cook County Board of Supervisors.

Reuben Taylor gave his name to what would become Ashland Avenue. His wife, Paulina's name graces Paulina Street.

Reuben Taylor donated Union Park to Chicago.