Lunt Avenue

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Lunt Avenue Soundex Code L530

7000 N. from 1110 W. to 7760 W. This street is in BOTH, Rogers Park and West Ridge

The City Council passed a lengthy ordinance January 14, 1895, rationalizing the street naming system.

1895 Chicago Blue Book, page 13: Lunt Avenue (Rogers Park) from 4294 N. Western Avenue east to Lake Michigan. Resident addresses, page 278.

1897 Chicago Blue Book, page 37: Lunt Avenue (Rogers Park) from 4294 N. Western Avenue east to Lake Michigan. Resident addresses, page 281.

1898 Chicago Blue Book, page 43: Lunt Avenue (Rogers Park) from 4294 N. Western Avenue east to Lake Michigan. Resident addresses page 273.

1901 Chicago Blue Book, page 40: Lunt Avenue (Rogers Park) from 4294 N. Western Avenue east to Lake Michigan. Resident addresses page 263.

1902 Chicago Blue Book, page 41: Lunt Avenue (Rogers Park) from 4294 N. Western Avenue east to Lake Michigan. Resident addresses page 254.

1903 Chicago Blue Book, page 41: Lunt Avenue (Rogers Park) from 4294 N. Western Avenue east to Lake Michigan. Resident addresses page 255.

1904 Chicago Blue Book, page 41: Lunt Avenue (Rogers Park) from 4294 N. Western Avenue east to Lake Michigan. Resident addresses page 256.

This is not a continuous street, meaning it exists in sections.

Lunt Avenue was named for Sephen Purrington Lunt, half-brother of Orrington Lunt. Sephen Purrington Lunt was a member of the Rogers Park Building and Land Company, founded in 1873, which developed the community of Rogers Park.

Rogers Park Addresses

200 Block

236 Lunt Avenue, Mr. & Mrs. Julius Mark, 1895.

300 Block

306 Lunt Avenue, Mr. & Mrs. Isaac S. Pine, 1895.

400 Block

447 Lunt Street is now 1929 W. Lunt Avenue, the Tannen House.

500 Block

519 Lunt Avenue, Mr. & Mrs. Wallis K. Cook, 1895.

521 Lunt Avenue, Mr. & Mrs. Charles P. Reynolds, 1897.

521 Lunt Avenue, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Walmsley & daughter, 1898.

521 Lunt Avenue, Mrs. Harriet Abbs, 1898.

522 Lunt Avenue, Mr. & Mrs. Eleanor A. Du Plaine, 1897.

522 Lunt Avenue, Mrs. Eleanor A. Du Plaine, 1898, 1901, 1902, 1903, 1904.

538 Lunt Avenue, Mr. & Mrs. Hyman Levin, 1895.

541 Lunt Avenue, Mrs. Paul Binner, 1898.

541 Lunt Avenue, Mrs. Pauline Binner, 1902, 1903 1904.

541 Lunt Avenue, H. Binner, 1902, 1903, 1904.

541 Lunt Avenue, Walter Binner, 1898.

541 Lunt Avenue, Mr. & Mrs. Harry S. Thompson, 1898, 1901, 1902, 1903, 1904.

541 Lunt Avenue, Miss Helen L. Hood, 1898, 1901, 1902, 1903, 1904.

600 Block

602 Lunt Avenue, Mr. & Mrs. John S. Ziegler, 1895, 1897, 1898, 1901, 1902, 1903, 1904.

620 Lunt Avenue, Mr. & Mrs. John H. Hewitt, 1897, 1898, 1901, 1902, 1903, 1904.

624 Lunt Avenue, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene M. Nichols, 1895, 1897.

628 Lunt Avenue, Mr. & Mrs. T.A. Lawson, 1897, 1898, 1901, 1902.

646 Lunt Avenue Mr. & Mrs. Peter Phillip, 1897. 1898, 1901, 1902, 1903, 1904.

649 W. Lunt Avenue (now 1807 W. Lunt Avenue) was the McNulty family home, circa 1900.

700 Block

730 Lunt Avenue, Dr. Bertha E. Bush, 1895.

754 Lunt Avenue, Charles B. Coxe, 1895.

754 Lunt Avenue, Mr. & Mrs. Edward D. Coxe, 1895.

754 Lunt Avenue Mr. & Mrs. William T. Irwin, 1905.

770 Lunt Avenue, Mr. & Mrs. Oscar F. Herren, 1895, 1897, 1898.

771 Lunt Avenue, Dr. & Mrs. Charles H. Burbank, 1895.

800 Block

812 W. Lunt Avenue, Edgar Lee Shank, 1905.

813 Lunt Avenue, Mr. & Mrs. Albert J. Grosswiller, 1895.

820 Lunt Avenue, Mr. & Mrs. Herbert H. Reed, 1895, 1897.

820 Lunt Avenue, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Servatius, 1895, 1897.

852 Lunt Avenue, Reverend & Mrs. William Evans, 1904. Receiving day Monday

900 Block

910 Lunt Avenue, Mr. & Mrs. Frederick J. Donihoo, 1895.

920 Lunt Avenue, Dr. & Mrs. W. De G. Clark, 1898, 1901, 1902, 1903.

920 Lunt Avenue, Miss Bertha Clark. 1898, 1901.

927 Lunt Avenue, Mr. & Mrs. C.A. Goodwin & daughter, 1904.

927 Lunt Avenue, K.H. Goodwin, 1904.

930 Lunt Avenue, Dr. & Mrs. Resegu C. Knox, 1895, 1897, 1898.

930 W. Lunt Avenue, Joseph Cummins, 1917.

1000 Block

1035 Lunt Avenue, Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Stiles, 1895, 1897.

1100 Block

1117 Lunt Avenue, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Edwards, 1898.

1117 Lunt Avenue, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence D. Benedict, 1897.

1119 Lunt Avenue, Mr. & Mrs. Charles I. Barker, 1904.

1119 W. Lunt Avenue, Irving Isador, 1919.

1121 Lunt Avenue, Nathan Follett, 1898, 1901.

1121 Lunt Avenue, Mr. & Mrs. C.S. Metcalfe, 1902.

1122 W. Lunt Avenue is the address of the Lunt Lake Apartments building in which the third floor, Barnett Apartment was located, in 1990.

1125 Lunt Avenue, Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Prescott, 1895.

1125 W. Lunt Avenue, Mr. & Mrs. William Dillon, 1902, 1903, 1904, 1905.

1125 W. Lunt Avenue, Mrs. A.C. Coles, 1919.

1125 W. Lunt Avenue, W.H. Himmel, 1919.

1130 W. Lunt Avenue, Mrs. Caroline H. Clancy, 1919.

1130 W. Lunt Avenue, Henry Hill, 1919.

1130 W. Lunt Avenue shows site for Apartment Building & Existing Residences on January 29, 1947.

1131 W. Lunt Avenue, James C. Kelsey, 1919.

1132 W. Lunt Avenue see also 1122 W. Lunt Avenue.

1135 W. Lunt Avenue was the home of Ward Thomas Huston, 1917.

1137 Lunt Avenue, Mr. & Mrs. Emil Yung or Emil Jung, 1895, 1897, 1898, 1901.

1137 Lunt Avenue, Mr. & Mrs. Emil Yung or Emil Jung and daughter, 1902, 1903, 1904.

1138 W. Lunt Avenue, see also 1122 W. Lunt Avenue.

1139 Lunt, now 1739 W. Lunt Avenue, was the Wilkins family residence in 1890s.

1139 W. Lunt Avenue,George L. Wilkins, 1910.

1140 Lunt Avenue, Elmer Ellsworth Beach, 1898, 1901, 1902, 1903, 1904, 1905.

1140 W. Lunt Avenue, Frederich James Ratsch, 1917.

1141 Lunt Avenue, Benton Holcomb Babbitt, 1905, 1901.

1141 Lunt Avenue, Mr. & Mrs. Benton Holcomb Babbitt, 1902, 1903, 1904.

1147 Lunt Avenue, Mr. & Mrs. W.S. Antes, 1897, 1898, 1901, 1902.

1147 Lunt Avenue, Mr. & Mrs. Frank H. Alt, 1903, 1904.

1153 Lunt Avenue, Mr. & Mrs. John H. White, 1897.

1161 Lunt Avenue, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Pigott & daughter, 1901, 1902.

1161 Lunt Avenue, Dr. A.H. Pigott, 1901 1902.

1161 Lunt Avenue, Residence of Ben Mayhew Smith, 1903, 1904, 1905.

1167 Lunt Avenue, Mr. & Mrs. Wilmer K. Roberts, 1895, 1897, 1898, 1901, 1902, 1903, 1904.

1200 Block

1212 W. Lunt Avenue, R.W. Harvey, 1919.

1212 W. Lunt Avenue, Simon I. Klauber, 1919.

1214 W. Lunt Avenue, Richard G. Brindle, 1919.

1214 W. Lunt Avenue, William H. Cannady, 1919.

1214 W. Lunt Avenue, Louis E. Kaplow, 1919.

1216 W. Lunt Avenue, Charles J. Bell, 1919.

1216 W. Lunt Avenue, Robert J. Blundon, 1919.

1218 Lunt Avenue, Mr. & Mrs. Clarence A. Powers, 1901, 1902, 1903, 1904.

1218 W. Lunt Avenue, Charles A. Berryhill, 1917.

1218 W. Lunt Avenue, Samuel M. Evans, 1919.

1218 W. Lunt Avenue, G. Kenneth Hall, 1919.

1221 W. Lunt Avenue is where five unidentified family members were photographed in a dinning room in November 1899.

1224 W. Lunt Avenue was the Coussens family house, circa 1910.

1224 W. Lunt Avenue, Duane C. Bartlett, 1919.

1224 W. Lunt Avenue, C.J. Koepsell, 1919.

1228 W. Lunt Avenue was a 2-Flat apartment building in September 1973. No owner name given.

1230 W. Lunt Avenue, James R. Glass, 1919.

1231 Lunt Avenue, Ben Mayhew Smith (1911, 1917) Rogers Park.

1234 W. Lunt Avenue, Mrs. R.B. McIver, 1919.

1236 W. Lunt Avenue, Joseph C. Haggarty, 1919.

1237 W. Lunt Avenue, Charles J. Berndt, 1919.

1300 Block

1300 W. Lunt Avenue, Andrew Mcllwrath, 1919.

1303 W. Lunt Avenue, Anton Maus, 1919.

1308 W. Lunt Avenue, Charles B. Forbrich, 1919.

1309 W. Lunt Avenue, Benton Holcomb Babbitt, 1911, 1917.

1312 Lunt Avenue, Elmer Ellsworth Beach in 1917.

1312 W. Lunt Avenue, Emil Friberg, 1919.

1317 W. Lunt Avenue, Reverend John Bendix, 1919.

1317 W. Lunt Avenue, R.W. Forrester, 1919.

1317 W. Lunt Avenue, Bernhard Hinrichs, 1919.

1321 W. Lunt Avenue, William Dillon, 1911.

1321 W. Lunt Avenue, Leonard J. Doyle, 1919.

1321 W. Lunt Avenue, H.C. Mason, 1919.

1322 W. Lunt Avenue, R.H. Hyland, 1919.

1322 W. Lunt Avenue, B.S. Johnson, 1919.

1322 W. Lunt Avenue, W.J. Lawrence, 1919.

1326 W. Lunt Avenue, Charles F. Crane, 1919.

1327 W. Lunt Avenue, George E. Brannan, 1919.

1333 W. Lunt Avenue, Winslow Heg, 1919.

1336 W. Lunt Avenue, Raymond T. Metzger, 1919.

1337 W. Lunt Avenue, Walter R. Ceperly, 1919.

1344 W. Lunt Avenue, A.E. Buesch, 1919.

1348 W. Lunt Avenue, T.H. Hagstrom, 1919.

1400 Block

1400 W. Lunt Avenue is where an unidentified woman with unidentified girl were photographed in 1927.

1405 W. Lunt Avenue was the home of Robert Arnow and Edna Arnow in the 1950s.

1409 W. Lunt Avenue, G.J. Gelderman & Company, Grocery, 1919.

1409 W. Lunt Avenue, Mrs. Elizabeth Johnson 2, 1919.

1416-34 W. Lunt Avenue was a Courtyard Building in November 1981.

1415 W. Lunt Avenue, Thomas W. Davis, 1919.

1416 W. Lunt Avenue, C.B. Bishop, 1919.

1416 W. Lunt Avenue, S.C. Hurley, 1919.

1418 W. Lunt Avenue, E.J. Brady, 1919.

1418 W. Lunt Avenue, J. Albert Ericson, 1919.

1418 W. Lunt Avenue, C. Harthil, 1919.

1418 W. Lunt Avenue, F.M. Hodgon, 1919.

1418 W. Lunt Avenue, Guy H. Kinney, 1919.

1420 W. Lunt Avenue, Park A. Garn, 1919.

1420 W. Lunt Avenue Robert P. Kuhlmann, 1919.

1420 W. Lunt Avenue, V.C. Martin, 1919.

1422 W. Lunt Avenue, C.E. Doud, 1919.

1422 W. Lunt Avenue, Albert Emerson, 1919.

1422 W. Lunt Avenue, Mrs. J.W. Heywood, 1919.

1422 W. Lunt Avenue, Miss R.D. Jeffrey, 1919.

1422 W. Lunt Avenue, E.H. Jipson, 1919.

1424 W. Lunt Avenue, Fred W. Gale, 1919.

1424 W. Lunt Avenue, R.G. Maurer, 1919.

1426 W. Lunt Avenue, Edgar W. Herbst, 1919.

1426 W. Lunt Avenue, W. Hill, 1919.

1426 W. Lunt Avenue, Mrs. M. Mayer, 1919.

1427 W. Lunt Avenue, James D. Buchanan, 1919.

1428 W. Lunt Avenue, Glen A. Briggs, 1919.

1428 W. Lunt Avenue, Louisa B. Brown, 1919.

1428 W. Lunt Avenue, E.C. Harris, 1919.

1428 W. Lunt Avenue, Carrol S. Huntington, 1919.

1428 W. Lunt Avenue, Mrs. Mary V. Lane, 1919.

1430 W. Lunt Avenue, Charles B. Meharry, 1919.

1431 W. Lunt Avenue, Harry Gunkel, 1919.

1432 W. Lunt Avenue, Willard R. Cotton, 1919.

1432 W. Lunt Avenue, Augustas Hollands M.D., 1919.

1432 W. Lunt Avenue, Emery F. Holt, 1919.

1432 W. Lunt Avenue, Robert C. March, 1919.

1434 W. Lunt Avenue, August W. Arndt, 1919.

1434 W. Lunt Avenue, H.E. Baylis, 1919.

1434 W. Lunt Avenue, Ray Becker, 1919.

1434 W. Lunt Avenue, John C. McCormick, 1919.

1438 W. Lunt Avenue, J.R. Andrews, 1919.

1438 W. Lunt Avenue, Edgar S. Cooke, 1919.

1440 W. Lunt Avenue, Albert L. Lettermann, 1919.

1441 W. Lunt Avenue, Joel G. Childs, 1919.

1442 W. Lunt Avenue, Wilbur Jackson, 1919.

1444 W. Lunt Avenue, J.L. Embien, 1919.

1444 W. Lunt Avenue, John J. McConnell, 1919.

1500 Block

1508 W. Lunt Avenue, Arthur J. McGivern, 1919.

1509 W. Lunt Avenue, the Ehmann House.

1519 W. Lunt Avenue, Warren K. Fields, 1917.

1525 W. Lunt Avenue, John George Kreer, 1911, 1917.

1525 W. Lunt Avenue, Mrs. John G. Kreer, 1919.

1535 W. Lunt Avenue was a house in September 1973. No owner's name given.

1540 W. Lunt Avenue, Herbert Lee Barber, 1911.

1600 Block

1600 W. Lunt Avenue, James Hanning, 1919.

1610 W. Lunt Avenue, Garfield T. Buckley, 1919.

1610 W. Lunt Avenue, Mrs. Mary J. Maes, 1919.

1624 W. Lunt Avenue, Emery H. DuFour, M.D., 1919.

1629 W. Lunt Avenue, J.C. Heavey, 1919.

1635 W. Lunt Avenue, Frank Edgar Jones, 1917.

1635 W. Lunt Avenue, James T. Elliott, 1919.

1636 W. Lunt Avenue, Andrew J. Hansen, 1919.

1637 W. Lunt Avenue, A.J. Gossweiler, 1919.

1638 W. Lunt Avenue, Albert J. Bernhard, 1919.

1644 W. Lunt Avenue, Mrs. J.W. Howard, 1919.

1645 W. Lunt Avenue, Olaf Johnson, 1919.

1648 W. Lunt Avenue, Mrs. Jean M. Charnley, CS, 1919.

1700 Block

1700 W. Lunt Avenue, Oscar F. Herren, 1919.

1701 W. Lunt Avenue

1709 W. Lunt Avenue is St. Jerome School.

1709 W. Lunt Avenue, St. Jerome Church.

1709 W. Lunt Avenue, Reverend Thomas F. Farrell, 1919.

1710 W. Lunt Avenue, D.R. Gano, 1919.

1712 W. Lunt Avenue, Mrs. Louise Bean, 1919.

1712 W. Lunt Avenue, Mrs. Emma F. Byers, 1919.

1712 W. Lunt Avenue, John Klein M.D., 1919.

1715 W. Lunt Avenue was where the first service of B'nai Zion was held in June, 1919.

1716 W. Lunt Avenue was the second Masonic Temple in Rogers Park. In May, 1992, was sold to the Hare Krishna.

1732 W. Lunt Avenue, John Berens, 1919.

1739 W. Lunt Avenue, was 1139 Lunt, was the Wilkins family residence in 1890s.

1752 W. Lunt Avenue, H. Hostert, 1919.

1754 W. Lunt Avenue, Louis Gerner, Poultry, 1919.

1761 W. Lunt Avenue, Mrs. Nellie Conlin, 1919.

1765 W. Lunt Avenue, Mrs. M. May, 1919.

1772 W. Lunt Avenue, Rogers Park Community Council, 1996.

1775 W. Lunt Avenue, American Dri Kure Tire Company, 1919.

1800 Block

1807 W. Lunt Avenue (was 649 W. Lunt Avenue) was the McNulty family home, circa 1900.

1807 W. Lunt Avenue, Daniel H. McNulty, 1919.

1812 W. Lunt Avenue is the home of Mr. & Mrs. Peter Phillip in 1917.

1815 W. Lunt Avenue, Jennie M. Coope, 1919.

1818 W. Lunt Avenue, L.R. Brooks, 1919.

1822 W. Lunt Avenue, house is twin "sister" of 1826 W. Lunt Avenue.

1826 W. Lunt Avenue, house is twin "sister" of 1822 W. Lunt Avenue.

1827 W. Lunt Avenue, G.H. Cross, 1919.

1830 W. Lunt Avenue, Frank Allen, 1919.

1833 W. Lunt Avenue, Henry Gottfried Bock, 1919.

1833 W. Lunt Avenue, John P. Koob, 1919.

1833 W. Lunt Avenue was an unidentified house in September 1977.

1835 W. Lunt Avenue, Arthur G. Kingman, 1919.

1836 W. Lunt Avenue, H. Hewitt, 1919.

1839 W. Lunt Avenue, Thomas O. Duncan, 1919.

1839 W. Lunt Avenue, Mrs. Louisa Metzger, 1919.

1840 W. Lunt Avenue, M.A. Armstrong, 1919.

1900 Block

1902 W. Lunt Avenue the Royce House.

1903 W. Lunt Avenue, J.F. Lindberg, 1919.

1909 W. Lunt Avenue, Fred M. Ludwig, 1919.

1912 W. Lunt Avenue is the Valley House. Owner: Marlene Valley. 1989.

1915 W. Lunt Ave, Henry C. Foster, 1919.

1921 W. Lunt Avenue, the Wojcicki House.

1928 W. Lunt Avenue was the Pollard House, 1911.

1928 W. Lunt Avenue, the Michael Puisis/Coral Norris House, 1991.

1929 W. Lunt Avenue was 447 Lunt Street, the Tannen House.

1932 W. Lunt Avenue is Paschen Park.

1933 W. Lunt Avenue, Hugh A. McCreadie, 1919.

1934 W. Lunt Avenue

1937 W. Lunt Avenue, M.C. Huppert, 1919.

1943 W. Lunt Avenue was owned by Tom Broderick and Joan Broderick

1947 W. Lunt Avenue, Charles W. Carlson, 1919.

1949 W. Lunt Avenue, John Pape retired by 1930.

1953 W. Lunt Avenue, Mrs. Anna Kamesch, 1919.

West Ridge Addresses

2000 Block

2012 W. Lunt Avenue, Henry F. Dose, 1919.

2015 W. Lunt Avenue, Jesse L. Haugh, 1919.

2015 W. Lunt Avenue, N.C. Hudd, 1919.

2015 W. Lunt Avenue, Math E. Lofquist, 1919.

2024 W. Lunt Avenue, Henry E. Gerry, 1919.

2073 W. Lunt Avenue, Max Gfrorer, 1919.

2080 W. Lunt Avenue, Alfred C. Dahlgren, 1919.

2081 W. Lunt Avenue, John M. Klein, 1919.

2089 W. Lunt Avenue, Linus S. Hoyt, 1919.

2100 Block

2116 W. Lunt Avenue, H.S. Gilbert, 1919.

2117 W. Lunt Avenue, John J. Bushnell, 1919.

2120 W. Lunt Avenue, Edward C. Schoellkopf, 1917.

2124 W. Lunt Avenue, Gustav W. Berthold, 1919.

2130 W. Lunt Avenue, Carl Heim, 1919.

2130 W. Lunt Avenue is a house. No owners name given. No date given.

2134 W. Lunt Avenue, Otto Herman Hedrich, 1917.

2134 W. Lunt Avenue, was the residence of Philip Palmeri and Rosa Palmeri. No date given.

2140 W. Lunt Avenue, House. No owners name given. No date given.

2200 Block

2203 W. Lunt Avenue, Charles Feldman, 1919.

2206 W. Lunt Avenue, House, Monday, April 14, 1997.

2212 W. Lunt Avenue, House, Monday, April 14, 1997.

2215 W. Lunt Avenue, A.G. Hallgren, 1919.

2215 W. Lunt Avenue was a house in November, 1981. No owner name given.

2216 W. Lunt Avenue, House, Monday, April 14, 1997.

2217 W. Lunt Avenue, Karl Lickhard, 1919.

2218 W. Lunt Avenue, W.E. Bock, 1919.

2222 W. Lunt Avenue, Frank C. Gosswiller, 1919.

2236 W. Lunt Avenue, W.A. Koren, 1919.

2239 W. Lunt Avenue is the Lunt Playlot Park formerly West Ridge Town Hall.

2248 W. Lunt Avenue, Hugo L. Eberhardt, 1919.

2248 W. Lunt Avenue, the Bowler House.

2300 Block

2301 W. Lunt Avenue is the West Ridge Community Church.

2301 W. Lunt Avenue, Indo-Pak United Methodist Church, 2016.

2306 W. Lunt Avenue, Mrs. Anna Beccavin, 1919.

2308 W. Lunt Avenue, Henry R. Allen, 1919.

2309 W. Lunt Avenue, H.C. Louer, 1919.

2311 W. Lunt Avenue, C.G. Holm, 1919.

2312 W. Lunt Avenue, Charles Drath, 1919.

2400 Block

2407 W. Lunt Avenue, Rub BBQ. Moved 2014 to 6954 N. Western Avenue

2407 W. Lunt Avenue, Bina's Cafe 2014-2016? Moving to 2210 W. Touhy Avenue, Ed & Erv's Centrella Food Mart

2409 W. Lunt Avenue original offices of High Ridge YMCA.

2410 W. Lunt Avenue, Indian Boundary Beauty Salon, (1952).

2410 W. Lunt Avenue, Red Door Animal Shelter, (1998).

2415 W. Lunt Avenue, Apartment 1E, Gary Wendt and Rafael Milewski.

2500 Block

2500 W. Lunt Avenue is the Indian Boundary Park.

2501 W. Lunt Avenue, the Kraus/Northway House.

2553 W. Lunt Avenue, Joe Aiello and Dominic Aiello’s home.

2553 W. Lunt Avenue, Helena and George Kaltezas.


Lunt Avenue and Ashland Avenue had a birch forest, circa 1890


RPWRHS photo R044-0222 shows a birch forest at Lunt Avenue and Ashland Avenue, circa 1900.