Illinois Republican League
Illinois Republican League Soundex Code I452
Ann Arbor Argus, September 4, 1896
Peoria, Illinois, September 1, 1896 - Five hundred delegates were present Tuesday morning at the opening session of the Illinois Republican League and the entire audience, a little more than half filled the vast tabernacle, which was decorated with red, white and blue. At 11:00 a.m. Charles T. Raymond of Wales, president of the league, called the. convention to order. Addresses of welcome were delivered in behalf of the city by Mayor Ellen and in behalf of the Republican clubs of Peoria County, Illinois, by W.T. Abbott. Prayer was offered by Reverend Casper Wietar Hiatt, pastor of the First Congregational Church of Peoría. Songs were sung by the Víctor Quartette and the Arion Quartette of Chicago. Judge Richard Yates of Jacksonville, Illinois son of the Illinois Governor, made an eloquent and extended speech, replying to the address of welcome. President Raymond delivered his annual address, which showed 1,763 leagues in the state with a membership of 263,000, a gain of 562 leagues and of 135,000 members during the past two years. He read a telegram from John R. Tanner, Republican candidate for governor, dated West Baden, Indiana, saying he was on the highway to recovery, and expected to be in the field again by the 15th or 20th. Tanner's name was tremendously cheered. as was McKinley's also. Governor Daniel H. Hastings of Pennsylvania and others spoke in the afternoon, and Congressman McCleary of Minnesota in the evening.