Curtiss Aeroplane and Motor Company

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Curtiss Aeroplane and Motor Company [[Soundex Code

Wikipedia page about the Curtiss Aeroplane and Motor Company

In 1929, Chicago's major existing airport, Metropolitan (later known as Midway), was quickly becoming surrounded by homes & industry.

Plans were announced that year for the construction of the new Curtiss-Reynolds Field, named for the developer, Curtis Flying Service, and the land owner, Fred Reynolds.

However, the new Glenview Airport's promise, as a rival public airport to Midway, was not to be.

The field was dedicated nine days before the stock market crash heralded the beginning of the Great Depression.

Fortunately, before the crash, the Curtiss-Reynolds 3-section hangar (subsequently known as Hangar One) had been completed, along with concrete taxiways, some lighting & some other bare necessities.