Craftsman Style

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Craftsman Style Soundex Code C613

The Craftsman Style, popular in the early 1900s, was encouraged by the growing American interest in bungalows and informal floor plans. In Chicago, the style was mainly used for modest houses located in such areas as Edison Park, Albany Park, and West Lawn.

Common characteristics are:

one- or one-and-a-half stories

horizontal proportions

wood walls and decorative detailing, including porch railings, shingles, and exposed rafters

multiple gable roofs

Chicago Landmarks Historic Resources Survey

Albion Avenue

1100 Block

1104 W. Albion Avenue

1118 W. Albion Avenue

1120 W. Albion Avenue

Ashland Avenue

7000 Block

7001 N. Ashland Avenue

Chase Avenue

1400 Block

1400 W. Chase Avenue

1700 Block

1701 W. Chase Avenue

1715 W. Chase Avenue

Estes Avenue

1400 Block

1414 W. Estes Avenue

Jarvis Avenue

1400 Block

1419 W. Jarvis Avenue

Newgard Avenue

6700 Block

6718 N. Newgard Avenue

6732 N. Newgard Avenue

6900 Block

6917 N. Newgard Avenue

North Shore Avenue

1100 Block

1102 W. North Shore Avenue

Pratt Boulevard

1500 Block

1525 W. Pratt Boulevard

2000 Block

2048 W. Pratt Boulevard

2200 Block

2242 W. Pratt Boulevard

Ridge Boulevard

7200 Block

7221 N. Ridge Boulevard

Sheridan Road

7400 Block

7418 N. Sheridan Road

Touhy Avenue

1500 Block

1523 W. Touhy Avenue

1527 W. Touhy Avenue