Galloway, Charles Herbert
Charles Herbert Galloway Soundex Code G400
Charles Herbert Galloway, president of the Galloway Glass Company;
born in Chicago, Monday, October 6, 1856;
son of Job Galloway and Emma Galloway, nee: (Emma Millen);
educated in public schools;
married Miss Laurett Higley, in Gurnee, Illinois on Thursday, September 12, 1889, becoming Laurett Galloway.
Worked on farm until he was 27 years of age;
has been engaged in the beveling, resilvering and framing of French plate mirrors since 1892 (Galloway Glass Co., of which is president and treasurer, manufacturers of and dealers in French plate mirrors, framed mirrors, glass bevelers and resilverers).
President of Standard Oil of Ohio, Amsterdam, Ohio
office: Chicago Title and Trust Building, Vice President and Director of Great Northern Oil and Gas Company.
Member: Men's League (Rogers Park).
Office: 413 5th Avenue.
Residence: 929 Greenleaf Avenue, (1898, 1902); 825 Greenleaf Avenue, (1905)
Source: Book of Chicagoans, 1905
Chicago Blue Book
Charles Herbert Galloway, 1898 Chicago Blue Book, page 262.
Charles Herbert Galloway, 1902 Chicago Blue Book, page 242.
Charles Herbert Galloway, 1903 Chicago Blue Book, page 243.
Charles Herbert Galloway, 1904 Chicago Blue Book, page 244.