Rockwell, Brenner Danforth
Brenner Danforth Rockwell Soundex Code R240
Chicago architectural firm:
Partners were:
Daniel Brenner (1917-1977)
George Danforth (1916-?) and
Henry Philips Davis "Deever" Rockwell (b. 1926)
Architectural project files, award submissions, correspondence, architectural drawings, photographs, and slides documenting the work of the Chicago architectural partnership of Daniel Brenner, George Danforth, and Henry Philips Davis "Deever" Rockwell.
The architectural partnership of Daniel Brenner (1917-1977), George Danforth (b. 1916), and Henry Phillips Davis "Deever" Rockwell (b. 1926) was formed in 1961 in Chicago under the name Brenner Danforth Rockwell, with offices at 646 N. Michigan Avenue.
Brenner Danforth Rockwell's best known work was for Chicago museums and other cultural institutions, including three projects for the Lincoln Park Zoo: the Education-Administration Building (Crown-Field Hall), the Great Ape House, and the Penguin-Seabird House. Other notable projects include renovation work for the 30 North LaSalle Building (Old Stock Exchange), the Madlener House (Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts), the Museum of Contemporary Art, the National Design Center in Marina City, and the Ryerson and Burnham Libraries at the Art Institute of Chicago. The firm received Awards of Merit from the American Institute of Architects for their work on the 30 North LaSalle Building, the Madlener House (Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts), the National Design Center (Marina City) and the Rockwell Residence (House on a Bluff in Olympia Fields, IL).