Beaches in Rogers Park
Leone Beach Park originally called Rogers Park and Beach
Street-End Parks/Beaches in Rogers Park
The Rogers Park Beach Territory stretched from Foster Avenue on the south to the Evanston/Chicago border on the north, covering about four miles of lakefront. The area was far from a continuous line of sandy beach, however...the beaches were little street-end pockets of sand from 20 to 100 yards wide, broken up by private homes, apartment buildings, and beachfront hotels between the streets." As early as 1906, North Shore Park District had hired a 'professional' lifeguard to patrol the area from Calvary Cemetery to Devon Avenue.
The street-end pockets of sand were fairly anonymous. According to the Annual Report of the Bureau of Parks, Recreation, and Aviation, 1935, they managed 27 street-end bathing beaches, without indicating locations or names of any of them.
Albion Beach and Park now Hartigan Beach and Park
Columbia Beach Park (c/o Loyola Park) a.k.a. Hartigan Beach
Estes Avenue Beach not an "official" Chicago Park District beach.
Hartigan Beach and Park see Columbia Beach Park was Albion Beach and Park
Kenilworth Beach became Rogers Park and Beach
Leone Beach Park was Rogers Park and Beach
North Shore Beach Park (c/o Loyola Park)
North Shore Park now Loyola Park
RPWRHS photo H001-0106 shows the Lake Michigan shoreline at Lunt Avenue as seen circa 1905. Most of the other land along the lakeshore looked very similar, consisting of small dunes, scrub and trees.
RPWRHS photo H001-51861 shows Peter Van Iderstine launching a boat at Greenleaf Avenue & the lake. No date given.
RPWRHS photo K001-1025 shows Valerie Kohn and Patsy Paley at beach slide. Lunt Avenue & Greenleaf Avenue, July 1928.
RPWRHS photo L009-0114 shows Jeff Pierce - on grease pole. No location given. Wednesday, July 21, 1982.
RPWRHS photo L009-0255 shows an unidentified man sunbathing on a beach with snow. No location given. Wednesday, March 11, 1987.
RPWRHS photo L009-0280 shows John Casabal taking a splash in Lake Michigan, Tuesday, June 5, 1984. No location given.
RPWRHS photo L009-0281 shows seawall smashed by waves at Case & the Lake on Thursday, March 12, 1987. There is no Case Street or Avenue in Chicago. So, location not known.
RPWRHS photo L009-0288 shows, L-R: Jamar Haywood, John Brophy, Mitchell Cardin, Tom Brophy, and Karen Devine with what looks like a sailboard. Location not given. Wednesday, June 24, 1992.
RPWRHS photo L009-0324 shows an unidentified man tending flowers at an unidentified beach on Tuesday, June 5, 1984.
RPWRHS photo L009-0326 shows Duane Bell in a canoe at an unidentified beach on Tuesday, August 2, 1983.
RPWRHS photo L009-0327 shows Jim Dooley and Ed McGuire, in a canoe, Tuesday, August 2, 1983. Unidentified beach.
RPWRHS photo L009-0328 shows Charlie Chun making a sand sculpture, Wednesday, August 8, 1984. Unidentified beach.
RPWRHS photo L009-0329 shows four unidentified boys waterskiing, Tuesday, August 2, 1983. Unidentified beach.
RPWRHS photo L009-0333 shows John Lieblang - taking a break at an unidentified location, Sunday, May 4, 1986.
RPWRHS photo L009-0334 shows 2 year old, Phillip Colas - on slide, Sunday, June 12, 1983, at unidentified location.
RPWRHS photo L009-0342 shows Jeff Pierce - on grease pole. Wednesday, August 1, 1984. No location given.
RPWRHS photo L009-0343 shows "Free for all" - canoe overturning, Wednesday, August 1, 1984. No location given.
RPWRHS photo L009-0344 shows Shawn Murphy - rowing, Wednesday, August 1, 1984. No location given.
RPWRHS photo L009-0406 shows Robert Pratscher and Mark Hanks - squirting water from fountain at park at Lunt Avenue and Lake Michigan. Wednesday, May 27, 1987.
RPWRHS photo L026-0210 shows a drawing of a beach, artist unknown. June 1985.
RPWRHS photo M010-1221 shows a beach scene - looking north toward Rogers Park and Beach. No date given.
RPWRHS photo M019-0103 shows Rogers Park lakefront in winter 1970.
RPWRHS photo R044-002 shows a beach scene - man and woman sitting on breakwater, others in swim suits and bathing suits. No date given. No location given.
RPWRHS photo R044-0131 shows an unidentified lifeguard sitting on a lifeguard chair at an unidentified beach. No date given.
RPWRHS photo S013-0168 shows an unidentified man relaxing at lakefront at dusk, 1000 W. Loyola Avenue.
RPWRHS photo S013-0667 shows sandbags at the lake. Location not given. December 1995.
RPWRHS photo S013-0668 shows sandbags at the lake. Location not given. December 1995.