Swift, Albert O.
Albert O. Swift Soundex Code S130
Chicago Blue Book
Albert O. Swift and daughter were listed in the 1890 Chicago Blue Book, page 618. This issue does not list the address of anyone living in Rogers Park.
Albert O. Swift and daughter were listed in the 1891 Chicago Blue Book, page 710. This issue does not list the addresses of Rogers Park residents.
Mr. & Mrs. Albert O. Swift and daughter were listed in the 1892 Chicago Blue Book, page 759. This issue does not list the address of anyone living in Rogers Park.
Mr. & Mrs. Albert O. Swift and daughter were listed in the 1893 Chicago Blue Book, page 780. This issue does not list the address of anyone living in Rogers Park.
Mr. & Mrs. Albert O. Swift and daughter were listed in the 1894 Chicago Blue Book, page 774. This issue does not list the address of anyone living in Rogers Park.
Mr. & Mrs. Albert O. Swift & daughter, 538 Greenleaf Avenue, in the 1895 Chicago Blue Book, page 266. This was the first issue to provide addresses of Rogers Park residents.
Mr. & Mrs. Albert O. Swift & daughter, 538 Greenleaf Avenue, in the 1897 Chicago Blue Book, page 270.
Mr. & Mrs. Albert O. Swift & daughter, 532 Greenleaf Avenue, in the 1901 Chicago Blue Book, page 251.