Josephson, Aksel Gustav Salomon

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Aksel Gustav Salomon Josephson Soundex Code J212

Aksel Gustav Salomon Josephson, Bibliographer

born in: Uppsala, Sweden, Tuesday, October 2, 1860;

son of: Jacob Axel and Hilda Augusta Josephson; nee: Hilda Augusta Scram

educated in: in Sweden and New York State Library School, Albany, New York;

married: Lucia Josephson, nee: Lucia Engberg, of Chicago, Tuesday, April 18, 1899.

Came to America, 1893; cataloger, New York Public Library (Lenox Library), 1894-6; chief cataloger, John Crerar Library, Chicago, since 1896; secretary, Index Office, Chicago, since 1914.

An organizer and officer Bibliographical Society Chicago and its successor, Bibliographical Society America, and of the Swedish Historical Society America; member American Library Association, Chicago Library Club, etc.

Club: City Club.

Author of several books for titles see Who's Who in America.

Office: John Crerar Library

Home: 2239 W. Greenleaf Avenue, 1917, 1919.

source: Book of Chicagoans, 1917; Rogers Park Directory, 1919, page 42.