1893 Chicago Blue Book

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Rogers Parkers Listed in the 1893 Chicago Blue Book

This edition does not list addresses for Rogers Park residents. So, they are listed alphabetically.

PAGE 778

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Adams

Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Adams

Mr. & Mrs. George Addy & daughter

Mr. & Mrs. H.C. Alexander

Miss Mary Alexander

Mr. & Mrs. George Q. Allen

Mr. & Mrs. E.A. Anderson

Mr. & Mrs. J.H. Anderson and daughter

George T. Andrews

Mr. & Mrs. Theodore A. Andrews and daughter

Mr. & Mrs. W.E. Andrews

Mr. & Mrs. Alex Arigoni

Robert Arnold

Mr. & Mrs. W.J. Arnold

Mr. & Mrs. James Baker

Mrs. E.T. Barrett

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel B. Bathrick

James S. Battles

Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Ellsworth Beach

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Walter Beach

Mrs. Della Benner and daughters

Mr. & Mrs. Christian Ludwig Benson

Mr. & Mrs. C.M. Bickford

Mr. & Mrs. William Black

Reverend & Mrs. R.W. Bland

Reverend & Mrs. William B. Bond

Mr. & Mrs. William R. Bond

Charles H. Bradley

Mrs. Julia A. Bradley and daughter

Mr. & Mrs. David Johann Braun and daughters

Mr. & Mrs. John H. Brown

Mrs. Margaret Brown

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Edward Browne

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Brownlee

Charles Bunte

F. Bunte

Reverend & Mrs. Oliver E. Burch and daughter

Mr. & Mrs. H.C. Burks

Mr. & Mrs. J.L. Burnside and daughters

Dr. Bertha E. Bush

Miss Laura C. Bush

Mr. & Mrs. Lionel E. Bush

Mr. & Mrs. J.T. Caldwell

Mr. & Mrs. John M. Carlson

Mr. & Mrs. W.B. Carpenter

Mrs. W.L. Carroll and daughter

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Caulfield

Mr. & Mrs. Walter Chadband

Miss Mary Chamberland

Mr. & Mrs. Walter Howard Chamberlin

Mr. & Mrs. R.E. Clark

Reverend and Mrs. Festus P. Cleveland

Mr. & Mrs. F.W. Coen

Mr. & Mrs. John J. Comstock

Mr. & Mrs. F.M. Cook and daughter

Mr. & Mrs. George S. Cook

Mr. & Mrs. W.K. Cook

Mr. & Mrs. John Copeland and daughter

Mr. & Mrs. Albert W. Craig

Dr. & Mrs. James D. Craig

Mr. & Mrs. Henry F. Craw

Mr. & Mrs. William L. Crawford

Mr. & Mrs. J.S. Crosby and daughters

Mrs. F.G. Dalton & daughter

Mr. & Mrs. James Daly

Mr. & Mrs. Frank H. Dean

Mr. & Mrs. M.B. Dean

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Deiderich

Mr. & Mrs. Louis Dederich

Mr. & Mrs. Louis Dederick

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Deiderich

Mr. & Mrs. William G. Deiderich

Mr. & Mrs. William E. Dicks and daughters

Dr. & Mrs. W.E. Dodds

Mr. & Mrs. Frank H. Doland

Mr. & Mrs. F.J. Donihoo

Mr. & Mrs. Arthur C. Doolittle

Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Doolittle and daughter

Mr. & Mrs. William H. Doolittle

Mrs. Bella Down & daughter

Frank T. Easter

Mr. & Mrs. Jacob P. Easter and daughters

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Easter

PAGE 779

Mr. & Mrs. G.H. Elliott

Mr. & Mrs. Plato G. Emery

Mr. & Mrs. James I. Ennis

Mr. & Mrs. John E. Evenden

Mr. & Mrs. A.A. Exline

Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Faux

Mr. & Mrs. Marshall Fay

Reverend & Mrs. John O. Ferris

Mr. & Mrs. E.R. Foerster

Mr. & Mrs. E.S. Foote

W.P. Foote and daughter

Mr. & Mrs. Henry C. Foster and daughter

William H. Foster

Mr. & Mrs. Otto Freund

Mr. & Mrs. Edward R. Gale

W.M. Gale

Mr. & Mrs. E.H. Garrison

Mr. & Mrs. T.B. Gault

Dr. & Mrs. W.D. Gentry

Mr. & Mrs. F.D. Gifford

Mr. & Mrs. Bryce M. Given

Charles Goodrich

Mr. & Mrs. Frank M. Goodrich & daughter

Mr. & Mrs. Edmund S. Graf

Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Hallman

Mr. & Mrs. Julius A. Hamann

Alexander Hanvey

Miss Jennie Hanvey

Mr. & Mrs. R.W. Hardman

Mr. & Mrs. E.R. Harmon

Mr. & Mrs. James H. Harmon

Mr. & Mrs. O.T. Harroun

Miss Nettie D. Harper

Mr. & Mrs. H.F. Harvey

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hastreiter

Mr. & Mrs. William E. Hatterman

Mr. & Mrs. J.L. Healy

Mrs. N.C. Healy and daughter

Mr. & Mrs. Oscar F. Herren

Mr. & Mrs. Henry Hiestand

Mr. & Mrs. E. Henderson and daughters

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Higgins

Reverend & Mrs. I.W. Higgs & daughter

Mrs. A.C. Hill

A.E. Hill

J.C. Hills

Mr. & Mrs. William Hinners

Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Hobbs

Mr. & Mrs. A.T. Hodge

Thomas Hodge

Mr. & Mrs. George C. Holmes

William Howland

J.K. Irvine

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Irvine & daughters

Mr. & Mrs. William T. Irwin

Mr. & Mrs. L. H. Jennings

Mr. & Mrs. C.H. Johnson

Mr. & Mrs. R.C. Jones

S.J. Jones

William C. Jones

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Jordan

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Kavanagh

Mr. & Mrs. David W. Kean

Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. King

Mr. & Mrs. William King

Dr. & Mrs. R.C. Knox

Mr. & Mrs. E. Laubenheimer

Mr. & Mrs. C.H. Leach

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Lespinasse

Mr. & Mrs. Hyman Levin

Mr. & Mrs. Seward H. Little

Mr. & Mrs. C.S. Lowe and daughters

Dwight B. McCurdy

Mr. & Mrs. Cyrus B. MacDonald

Mr. & Mrs. James Markey

Mr. & Mrs. E.R. Martin

Mr. & Mrs. C.E. McDowell

Mr. & Mrs. W.I. McMaster

Mr. & Mrs. Curtis McPike

William B. Moore

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Morris & daughters

Mrs. J.R. Morse and daughter

Mr. & Mrs. James F. Morton

Mr. & Mrs. Charles B. Muehlke

Mrs. K. Munsell and daughter

Mrs. J.C. Murray

Mr. & Mrs. J.L. Nelson & daughter

Mr. & Mrs. B.F. Newcomb

Mr. & Mrs. E.M. Nichol

Dr. Edmund Noyes

Edmund S. Noyes

Mrs. & Mrs. A.H. Ogden

Mr. & Mrs. H.D. Overdier

Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Patterson

Mr. & Mrs. Harlow William Phelps & daughter

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Phillip

Mr. & Mrs. Henry S. Poole

Mrs. C.E. Pratt

Mr. & Mrs. James F. Pratt

Mr. & Mrs. Joel L. Pratt

Preston W. Pratt

Mr. & Mrs. Jay J. Read

Mr. & Mrs. D.W. Redfield

Mr. & Mrs. James G. Redfield

Mrs. Sarah G. Redfield

Miss Maggie Reid

Mr. & Mrs. C.A. Rennacker

Mr. & Mrs. E.H. Reynolds

PAGE 780

Mr. & Mrs. E.H. Reynolds

Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Reynolds

Mrs. Maria A. Reynolds

Mr. & Mrs. J.F. Rice

Mrs. C.M. Richmond & daughter

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Richmond

Mr. & Mrs. John S. Richmond

Mr. & Mrs. William T. Richmond

Mr. & Mrs. George Rieder

Mr. & Mrs. I.E. Rockwell

Miss F.A. Roles

Dr. & Mrs. S.V. Romig

Mr. & Mrs. Horace E. Rounds

Mr. & Mrs. M.W. Russ

Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Sanders

Mr. & Mrs. J. Sanders

Mr. & Mrs. Parker Scholes

Mr. & Mrs. R.M. Scholes

Mr. & Mrs. James Sharp

Miss Katie Sharpe

Mr. & Mrs. L.C. Sieweke

Mr. & Mrs. George B. Simpson

Mrs. Sarah Smalley

Mr. & Mrs. Ben Mayhew Smith

Peter Smith

Mr. & Mrs. W.B. Spafford

Mr. & Mrs. James R. Spicer

Reverend and Mrs. G.L. Stevens

Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Stiles

Mr. & Mrs. M.G. Stimmel

Reverend & Mrs. G.P. Sturges

Mr. & Mrs. F.P. Sullivan

Mr. & Mrs. Albert O. Swift and daughter

Mrs. Mary Swift

Mrs. Charles Terry

Dr. & Mrs. L.H. Thomas

Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Thorogood

Mr. & Mrs. Albert C. Timm

Mrs. M.A. Titus and daughter

William H. Titus

Patrick Leonard Touhy, Catherine Touhy and daughters

Stephen Touhy

Dr. N.W. Tracy and daughter

Mr. & Mrs. Edmund S. Troughton

Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Vasey

Mr. & Mrs. Allan S. Wallace

Mrs. C.R. Webster and daughters

D. Victor Webster

Mr. & Mrs. B.H. Weller

Mr. & Mrs. George A. Wharton

Mr. & Mrs. Harrison M. Wild

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Wild

Reverend & Mrs. A.W. Williams and daughter

Mr. & Mrs. J.D. Williamson

Mr. & Mrs. Henry G. Wright

Mr. & Mrs. John S. Ziegler