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July 2024 in Ukraine: Surviving Summer; Living Through War

February 24 @ 6:00 pm 7:30 pm

Budlong Woods Library, 5630 North Lincoln Ave

War Protest in Ukraine, 2022. Photo shared by Allaksel Semirski on Pexels.com

Join us at this special event to mark the third anniversary of the Russian invasion of Eastern Ukraine.

It’s July 2024. With summer comes harvest, heat, and the end of the schoolyear. With war comes the rationing of electricity and the sound of the air raid siren. For the people of Ukraine, both have become part of their daily lives.

Travel vicariously with Fulbright Scholar and North Park University Professor, Lida Nedilsky on her trip across Ukraine last July. Through photos and stories, you will meet Vera the Vet, Stubborn Little Roman, Maiia the Master Pickler, and Veronika Wise Beyond Her Years. These glimpses into the lives of the characters she encountered show how they coped with surviving summer and living through war.  

This event is free and open to all.

About the Speaker

Sociology Professor Lida Nedilsky spent the 2023-24 academic year as a lecturer at the University of Warsaw as a Fulbright scholar comparing civil society in post-Communist Ukraine & pre-Communist Hong Kong. The year-long leave from Chicago’s North Park University, where she has been on the faculty for ten years, was an opportunity to explore new aspects of her primary research interest in China, especially related to understanding how religious people in Hong Kong become engaged in political issues. Along the way, she gained a deeper understanding of how life in a war zone affects the lives of ordinary people, and how their experiences can provide insight into everyday life in Chicago and around the world.