The 1991 aldermanic election was marked by combative mudslinging and self promotion in the form of neighborhood-wide flyers, posters, pamphlets, and letters. Endorsements were popular, with Richard M. Daley supporting Bob Clarke and David Orr backing Joe Moore. The election represented a continuation of controversy surrounding the Chicago political machine and its increasingly powerful opposition. Among other strategies, Moore and Clarke used campaign literature to attack their opponents in hopes to sway the voters.
Both candidates mailed simple post cards to citizens.
Joe Moore flyer describing his stances on fighting crime.
Joe Moore uses an excerpt from a newspaper to attack his opponent, Bob Clarke.
An advertisement for Joe Moore featuring support from various figures in the community.
Both candidates mailed simple post cards to citizens.
Clarke uses Mayor Daley’s support in this advertisement to appeal to voters who may already support Daley.
Gwen Nordgren writes a letter to fellow members of the 49th ward expressing her support of candidate, Bob Clarke.